Object Oriented Programming :-

This course provides in-depth coverage of object-oriented programming principles and techniques using Object Oriented (OO) programming language. In this course will be using C++ as a medium. Topics include classes and objects, function overloading, data abstraction, information hiding, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, file processing, templates, exceptions, container classes. The course briefly covers the mapping of UML design to Object Oriented (OO) Programming language implementation and object-oriented considerations for software design and reuse. 
The course has a strong practical emphasis, and students will be required to implement OO concepts in C++ during supervised laboratory sessions and in unsupervised assignment work. In general, each class will consist of a one and a half hour lecture, and a one and a half hour laboratory session, which will be held weekly. 

This course provides in-depth coverage of OOP using C++ than can be equally applicable to any Object Oriented (OO) programming language. At the completion of this course the student should be comfortable in Programming Real World Problems using Object Oriented Technique in C++.  He or she will know the strengths and weaknesses of the Procedural and Object Oriented languages.

Students will then be exposed to OO analysis and design. C++ syntax and its idioms will be covered, with particular emphasis on how to program in C++ with an OO mindset.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Designing classes and their functionalities using OOP design
    2. Understand and apply inheritance techniques to their programs
    3. Overload and override methods and understand differences  between them
    4. Can Exploit Power of Polymorphism in Development. 

Create and Using UML diagrams
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of Structural/OO programming.

File Handling, binary and textual.

Text Book :-

                      Object Oriented Programming [SE–103/104]


Recommended Book :-

  • C++ by Robert Lafore 
  • C++ How to Program by  Deitel & Deitel,
  • Let us C++  by Yashavant  Kanetkar